For Providers

A Trusted Partner for Brain Care

At Synapticure we’ve developed a comprehensive virtual care model designed to expand access to expert care and advanced treatments, and streamline care coordination

Comprehensive or Complementary to Existing Care

Synapticure partners with primary care physicians and with general congnitive specialists to provide subspecialty neurology care and wraparound services

Brain Care Fast Access to Experts, Personalized Support, and Seamless Coordination ALL IN ONE PLACE Cognitive Specialists Personal Care
Navigation Speech
Therapy In-Home Services Clinical Trials and Advance Treatments 24/7 Access Hotline Behavioral and Mental Health Multidisciplinary Review Board

Support that Makes Virtual Care Easy

Patients and care partners can join from the comfort of their home, and our onboarding team makes sure they’re ready for their first visit.

In-Home Services  When Necessary

Synapticure identifies and coordinates trusted in-home care providers, offering therapy visits and care partner support to ensure patients receive essential care where it’s needed most, improving comfort and overall quality of life.

Select Members of Clinical Leadership

Eric Anderson MD PhD MBA FAAN

Chief Medical Officer

Amanda Fletcher MD

Cognitive Service Line Lead

Ben Williams MD, FAAN

Cognitive Neurologist

Abigail O’Connell NP

Director, Clinical Trial Operations

Jeremy Pruzin MD

Cognitive Neurologist

Tacara Soones MD, MPH


Noreen Flanagan MD

Chief Medical Officer

Mindy Unrau

FNP, Dementia Care Nurse Practitioner

Synapticure Workflow

Step 1

Evaluation and Diagnostics

Average 2-3 Weeks to Appointment

  • Fast virtual appointments and times outside traditional hours
  • Leaving home to a doctor’s office can be disorienting, disrupting a person’s usual routines and environment, which may lead to inaccurate results in assessing a person’s thinking and memory

Sub-Specialty Neurologists on Staff

  • See a subspecialty cognitive specialist who has deep training and experience in diagnosing and managing early cognitive impairment and related neurological conditions

Spend 60-90 Minutes During First Visit

  • Taking the time to listen, have an in depth discussion and deliver personalized care.  Follow-up visits are scheduled

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Provide personalized support throughout the entire journey, lightening the burden of managing 
neurodegenerative care
  • Handles all logistics for virtual appointments ensuring fast access and minimizing stress
  • When in-person care is necessary, the care coordinator schedules and coordinates seamlessly with local providers to reduce caregiver burden
Standard Clinically-Validated Diagnostic Evaluation

Synapticure delivers best-in-class diagnostic testing, including MOCA

  • Research supports that telehealth assessments, inclusive of neurocognitive testing, may yield more precise results by keeping patients calm and oriented in their natural home setting. Peer-reviewed studies, including the Alzheimer’s Journal, confirm there is no difference in diagnostic validity between telehealth and in-person evaluations.

Standardized Assessment with NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS)

  • Synapticure integrates the NIH Stroke Scale at intake and at each follow-up visit, ensuring a reproducible baseline examination that forms the foundation for a consistent safety framework for remote treatment.

Comprehensive neuro intake performed by a Synapticure cognitive specialist

  • Mental Status Exam: Appearance, speech, eye contact, motor activity, affect, mood, behavior, delusions, hallucinations, orientation, memory, attention, thoughts
  • Cranial Nerve Exam: Vision (each eye independently), EOM, hearing, facial, Trigeminal, tongue thrust and movement
  • Motor and Sensory Exam: Passive strength, and can be limited by ability to stand
  • Cerebellar Exam: Can be limited by ability to stand
  • Standardized Scale for Reliable Safety Monitoring: Baseline NIHSS for continuity

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Assists in gathering prior imaging, lab results, and personal health records and more
  • Helps troubleshoot technology issues for video visits
  • Arranges follow-up visits and tracks diagnostic outcomes to keep patients on track with their care plan
Additional Appointments and Testing, if Necessary for Treatment Options

In-House Neuropsychologist

  • Our Neuropsychologists work directly with our cognitive specialists to ensure and support a comprehensive and collaborative diagnosis and care plan
  • Fast Appointments. Within weeks, not months

Seamless Imaging and Testing Support and Coordination

  • Neuro-Imaging Review: Scans are personally reviewed by our team to as part of a comprehensive expert assessment and to determine eligibility for advanced therapies and provides critical information for a diagnosis
  • In-house Genetic Testing: Reduces complexity and ensures a seamless experience for patients and care partners
  • Vetted Facilities: Direct collaboration with trusted imaging centers ensures results are promptly shared with your care team
  • Dedicated Care Coordinators: Manage every aspect of the process, including identifying locations, setting appointments and more

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Provide personalized support throughout the entire journey, lightening the burden of managing 
neurodegenerative care
  • Handles all logistics for virtual appointments ensuring fast access and minimizing stress
  • When in-person care is necessary, the care coordinator schedules and coordinates seamlessly with local providers to reduce caregiver burden
Step 2

Treatment and Trials Decision-Making Support

Care Decisions Backed by a Team of Specialists

  • Multidisciplinary Review Board (MDRB): Synapticure’s unique review process, typically found only in leading academic centers, includes three Synapticure cognitive specialists and one Synapticure neuropsychologist for comprehensive, holistic assessments
  • Ensures decisions aren’t made in isolation and are guided by the latest research and best practices

Cutting-Edge Treatment Access

  • Access to newly approved treatments and cutting-edge clinical trials for eligible patients
  • Neurologists are deeply familiar with eligibility criteria, safety considerations, and therapeutic outcomes

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Provides guidance on clinical trial eligibility and logistics, making the process accessible and less daunting for families
  • Organizes all follow-up visits related to treatment and trial participation
Step 3

Supporting Access to Treatments

Ensures Accreditation & High Standards

  • Synapticure’s partnered infusion centers are accredited by organizations that require rigorous protocols for pre-treatment evaluation, emergency response, and post-treatment care
  • NICA and/or joint commission accreditation
  • Infusion centers can vary widely in their adherence to accreditation standards, leaving gaps in safety practices, protocol consistency, and care quality. We take the burden off patients by vetting and selecting only accredited sites, ensuring reliable and safe care every time.

Cutting-Edge Treatment Access

  • Access to newly approved treatments and cutting-edge clinical trials for eligible patients
  • Neurologists are deeply familiar with eligibility criteria, safety considerations, and therapeutic outcomes

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Finds and arranges appointments at accredited infusion centers, ensuring compliance with safety and quality standards (e.g., NICA accreditation)
  • Communicates pre-treatment instructions to patients, including guidance on medications and preparation for infusion visits
  • Ensures patients receive follow-ups after treatments, addressing any safety concerns
Step 4

Safety and Monitoring

24/7 Hotline Availability

  • Our care team is always on call, ensuring that patients and care partners can speak to an experienced cognitive specialist the moment they experience unusual symptoms or have safety concerns

Real-Time Expert Support During Emergencies

  • If emergency care is needed, our neurologists remain on the line as patients head to the ER, providing immediate reassurance and actionable advice on what to do next

Direct Communication with ER Teams

  • Our cognitive specialists will speak directly with ER physicians, providing vital context about the patient’s condition, treatment plan, and any medication side effects

Access to Medical Records and Continuity of Care

  • Synapticure ensures ER physicians have access to patient history, treatment records, and more.

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Ensures patients have round-the-clock access to experienced cognitive specialists for real-time advice and support
  • CN assists in providing vital patient records and treatment history
Infusion Reaction Protocol (If Necessary)

Observation Instructions

Instructions are provided to observe the patient during the infusion for any reactions and then continue observation for:

  • 3 hours post-infusion after the initial infusion
  • 2 hours post-infusion after the 2nd infusion
  • 1 hour post-infusion after each following infusion

Hypersensitivity Treatments

All accredited Infusion centers have a mandated treatment protocol for acute infusion reactions. In addition, we provide our recommended treatments for hypersensitivity for their use and include them in our order set including:

  • If hypersensitivity or infusion reactions develop, temporarily hold the infusion and notify the site provider immediately
  • Administer emergency medications per the site Treatment Algorithm for Acute Infusion Reaction. Symptom monitoring and continuous assessment per the site protocols with requisite documentation as the grade of severity may progress
  • Synapticure can be contacted for assistance if needed to aid the site medical director and staff,  and the Infusion site is provided with our contact information and direct line

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Coordinates with infusion site staff to ensure adherence to safety protocols and immediate response to any reactions
Ongoing Monitoring and Follow-up (If Necessary)

MRI Surveillance

  • Obtain MRIs prior to the 5th, 7th, 14th, and 26th infusions (depending on Review Board evaluation)
  • Prescriptions for these infusions are not made if MRI was not done
  • Every repeat image is brought before the Systematic Review Panel for re-assessment.

Regular Check-Ins

  • APP follows up every 2-3 months, neurologist every 6 months.

If ARIA is detected

  • Patient is advised to go to the emergency department
  • We pause treatment—treatment and/or other supportive care is in part determined on a case by case basis by our prescribing provider in conjunction with the local treating provider
  • Monthly MRI to monitor progression/resolution
  • Represent to Panel if patient is to restart medication

Dedicated & Trusted Care Coordination & Navigation

  • Schedules regular MRI scans, ensuring compliance with monitoring protocols before specific infusions
  • Conducts regular check-ins after infusions, coordinating care updates with neurologists and advanced practice providers (APPs)

Comprehensive Cognitive Care All In One Place

We are available in all 50 states and covered by most insurance. Our telehealth clinic works with you and your existing care team seamlessly.